““There is no logic that can be superimposed on the city;
people make it, and it is to them, not buildings,
that we must fit our plans.””
Zoo of Ideas
This gallery represents a series of trials exploring time, perspective and materiality. The experience of place is in constant flux. The seasons, time of day, weather patterns, and people that we encounter or do not encounter on our path impact our perception of the environment. The shadows cast by an object become of higher importance than the object itself as they attempt to capture the ever changing nature of time and place.
Modulari Family - Standardization + Flexibility
The models in this genus are constructed of components which represent
an average city lot in Chicago and offer responses to empirical data collected on site.
Materials selected speak to the passage of time; from particle to perceptible and beyond.
Virga Family - Shape + Height + Color + Pattern
The members of this genus are characterized by the field of punctures that organize each base. The openings act as a vessel for data points represented by size, shape, pattern, and color. Each data point is understood as an individual element or a member of the array depending upon the viewers vantage point and the way in which shadows are cast.
Filum family - Movement + Light
This genus is composed of “species” responding to data collected. These forms appear inconsequential until the viewer and light interacts with it.
Stratis family - Stacking + Layering + Weaving
This genus is composed of layered artifacts responding to data collected. The combining of forms creates new interpretations and the complexity of the urban experience.